Tracks In The Dust

A Father's Advice About Learning the Mission of Life

Poems, Prayers and Promises II

I’ve written a lot of lyrics and music over the years. Pulled out a few.

Going back decades (which I seem to have been lately), dusted off some of the things I have written. Check out the page at the top of the site on the top menu  bar:    Songs and Poems of Another Time   ↑

The Music Comes Crashing In

Canvases of painted hues shine down upon

the silent room

Yellows,blues,multifaceted colors, wrap up

the coming gloom

Suddenly music crashes through the barrier

so clear

And beyond loves farthest reach

somehow comes a tear

Back in 1974 I had been really in a dark period and wrote a bunch of stuff called “The Inner Peace of the Compassionate Love”. Mostly just what I thought poetry should be [at that time]. This was one of the more simple pieces. © MGert 1974

The Last Look

Her heels clicked on the stone floor

Echoing through the empty halls

She had been here so many times before

The memories are clear, each separate falls

Now as quickly as it all began

It’s over without another thought

Getting out had been part of the final plan

It was too late when she was caught

Caught in the middle of the whirlwind beginning

Not know until now that she had been winning

Wrote this as a page was turning in someone’s life that I truly cherished. She went on to do other things. From “A Play on Words” Always recall the moment I wrote it even though it was so very very long time ago.  © MGert 1976

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5 thoughts on “Poems, Prayers and Promises II

  1. Genuine awesome lyrics


  2. You are very talented mg. 🙂
