Tracks In The Dust

A Father's Advice About Learning the Mission of Life

Love Rain

Some of you there is still a few icy months of winter left in the season, while others in distant countries may be in the middle of summer. Either way there is something about rain that I like.   Perhaps you do too?

Rainy Day Picture

It is the cleansing. the renewal, When the snow is finally gotten so dirty that it is grey and unwelcome, here will come the rain. Not flooding rain but constant rain.  There is always something true in the warmth of the days of sunshine.It has its own recharging sense ( like supplying a power pill of Vitamin D). Sun is good- not too much to get sunburned, but the feeling on your face on one of those days that is comfortable enough to let the sun pour over you.

But rain has something for me. The washing off of the dryness of the days before it. The reason to stay protected inside if you can, or to run in it from place to place like it would melt you. But you know better. It is the rain of renewal  Some distant thunder would be nice to help complete the picture. No violent crashing lighting exactly, but that thunder that rumbles over the horizon and sounds like it carries for miles across the landscape.

Rain. It is there for the renewal, it is there for the days to paint grey before the color comes. It is rain.

The Beatles: Rain
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