Tracks In The Dust

A Father's Advice About Learning the Mission of Life

About Me

I started writing this blog for my kids for later times when as older adults they could look back on the words I shared.

I will never forget the landscape of life and the relationships and friends that have come and gone and those who still remain. I love Jesus. I am a cancer warrior in the battle of my life, who understands that life is not infinite, and eternity is what matters most.


Through all the years of my life, I have always had music at the center. My Grandfather and Great Grandfather were also musicians. I don’t often consider myself a musician, (even though I was in a rock band and write music).I cherish the art of music, and have taught my children to understand the value of a composed song, of the words and the moments and emotions they capture. I love most every kind of music.

I have a wonderful family, with 3 sons and a daughter who are all adults now. My wife and I have lost one of my sons to a person who stalked him on the Internet that resulted in him leaving  our family to make himself  another life- and it has been 10 years since we have had any real contact with him. But I am proud of all of my children, and infinitely fortunate to have such a loving and caring wife and friend for all of these years.


I am thankful for anyone who visits this blog, as my intention was simply to get things said, regardless of who read them.

What about Tracks in the Dust? “We are all moving through here kind of fast, tracks in the dust won’t last” is from the musician David Crosby. It is a reminder that our lives precious and fleeting on the whole. What we do while we are here on Earth can be lasting if we remember that by paying it forward each day by reaching  people with the grace of God in the simplest of ways. And we may never know we did. And that could be our legacy that could last for generations.

11 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thank you for discovering my photography blog

    You gave me the opportunity to discover, explore and follow your blog. Hope we both enjoy our journeys.

    On behalf of the Through Harold’s Lens Creative Team, my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we wish you the best.



  2. Pingback: My First Award | Just a Small Town Girl

  3. vanessaksmith on said:

    I just wanted to say thank you for following Just a Small Town Girl. It means alot to me!


  4. Your blog is beautiful and I like your attitude. We are like tracks in the dust and I will follow your tracks via your blog. I found you via Lori of the hippie heart.


  5. I haven’t read one word of a post here. I read the titles though. And I read “About”. That’s entirely enough to tell me that I want to hear what you have to say. So, I am following you. I came here from Lori’s blog. I knew that if Lori says you are worth looking at, you are. I am going to enjoy this adventure through your blog! 🙂


  6. You sound like an awesome person! Thanks for following my blog! You have a wonderful one here!


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