Tracks In The Dust

A Father's Advice About Learning the Mission of Life

A Dog’s Life For Me

I grew up with cats. My mom had them since I was in elementary school and had one  long after I left home. When my wife and I first met she had dogs in her family. Family dogs with a long history.  After we got married apartment life and planned moving from town to town left “cats” as the only option. Decades and all the kids out of the house, we have finally become an “all dog” house.

Jake and Eva 2

The last family cat finally made it to its “next” of nine lives ( one of my sons thinks the best that maybe he came back as a porpoise or something).

So I am learning, dogs are great, they can be loyal and loving. They can be like taking care of little kids who will endlessly be toddlers at best. I get that now.  My dog Jake has been part of our lives for almost a year of his two-year old mutt-life,  he is probably not all that smart but very lovable.

My wife’s dog Eva has been her lifeline and is still mainly just “her” dog. She is only 4 but knows who she loves best, and gets the special treatment she feels she deserves from my wife everyday.

I am sure lifetime dog owners can provide all sorts of reasons for the goodness of dogs. Guess it took me decades to get to the point to learn.

I am not certain of all of the reasons, but hey- I got a goofy dog that seems to follow me around. and loves the attention. Brings us a bird or a bunny on occasion as his proud trophy. Never passes up a treat or some scratching on his tummy. That’s worth some joy everyday.  Woof

That’s Jake on the left and Eva on the right.



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4 thoughts on “A Dog’s Life For Me

  1. kewl 🙂


  2. They look quite adorable, mg! Thank you for sharing your pets with us and thank you for the lovely entry 🙂


    • Thanks! I don’t know if I did the weekly pet challenge right- but I think I added it correctly. Either way guess I love our dogs. Still miss one of my cats (who thought he was a dog anyway).
